Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Eliminate Prostate Cancer or Save Our Sex Life?

Posted on 2:03 PM by Unknown

Eliminate Prostate Cancer or Save Our Sex LifeMen with prostate cancer usually have a dilemma for healing illness. The options with the surgeon removes the prostate cancer that could impair the ability of sexual or maintain in order to keep having sex, but life is threatened cancer.

Now with robotic surgery men with prostate cancer need not fear anymore prostate surgery. Surgical robotics (Robotic prostatectomy) is able to eliminate all cancerous prostate gland and surrounding but not interfere with sexual function.

“For most men, sexual function is as important as eliminating prostate cancer. But their concerns about sex after surgery is actually redundant. They may only know the old treatment, which is a technique of laparoscopic prostatectomy. But thanks to robotic surgery, these fears can be greatly reduced,” said Dr. David Samadi, Vice Chairman, Department of Urology and Chief of Robotics and Minimally Invasive Surgery at The Mount Sinai Medical Center.

First, the prostate gland removed through invasive abdominal surgery by a surgeon with a very limited time to divide the small nerve bundles responsible for erection and sexual function. Often, operations have a negative impact on man’s ability to have sex.

But now, with the advent of robotic surgery techniques, an experienced surgeon like Dr. Samadi can have a perfect view, enhance the precision and agility. Risk of damage to the nerves that are important for sexual function could be reduced significantly.

“Robotic surgery a success when the cancer has been cured and recover all potential patients,” he said.

Dr. Samadi perform robotic surgery with the SMART method (Modified Samadi Advanced Robotic Technique). Using the da Vinci Surgical System, is generally recommended treatment for localized prostate cancer.

Dr. Samadi able to perform movements that are very precise at the surgical site such as cancerous tissue is removed clean and avoid critical nerves. This action causes a more rapid recovery and good prospects to restore sexual function and urinary continence.

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