Saturday, August 6, 2011

Facial Expressions Can Cause Premature Wrinkles

Posted on 11:17 PM by Unknown

Facial Expressions cause premature wrinklesFacial Expressions: Many factors can cause people to experience more premature wrinkles, one of which is due to Facial Expressions. Facial Expressions for anything that would trigger the wrinkles appear faster? Often people mistake the age of others because of the appearance of wrinkles earlier than age. Wrinkles usually appear due to the aging process that makes the body more slowly renewing skin cells.

Some experts believe genetic factors play a role regarding when and how many wrinkles that arise. But several other factors such as stress, environmental influences and facial expressions.

A small but significant study conducted in 2004 shows the relationship between chronic stress and aging. This is because telomeres (structures on the ends of chromosomes that shorten aging) will be increasingly shortened in people who experience long-term psychological stress, thus causing premature cell aging.

Here are some facial expressions that could lead to early wrinkles, as quoted from,namely:

1. Expression of anger

When someone is angry then unwittingly be causing lines on the forehead. If he was often angry, then the line appears in the forehead will be deeper and more permanent that make a person look older because of the appearance of early wrinkles.

2. Frequent drinking through a straw

When a person is drinking through a straw then sucking motions made will trigger the line in on the side of the mouth due to the contraction of the muscle. This condition can lead to early wrinkles.

3. Squinting

When faced with a room that is too bright or a lot of sunlight, then someone would narrowed eyes. This condition involves the contraction of the muscles in the forehead so that trigger wrinkle.

In addition to Facial Expressions, a few other things also trigger the appearance of wrinkles faster as smoking (reduce the development of new collagen) as well as chronic sun exposure due to the use of protective UV rays.

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